Paul Berwin's blog - lawyer, runner, triathlete and generally busy person - interests in history, politics, religion and all sorts - wide ranging and - well - random

Monday, September 11, 2006

Marathon news

Marathon news - well, I finished it but not as I wanted - my target time was 3.30-3.40; but after a good first half when there were 11,000 people doing the half marathon - and therefore perhaps I ran too fast, was sub 3.30 pace - I then started getting cramp, the temperatures rose, and I kept having to walk stretches which is never the plan. Finishing time was 4 hours 14.37 - 655th out of 1118 finishers, apparently. Figures raised to date are now over £5000 for Yorkshire Cancer Research

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Case management software

We are nearing full implememtation of software from Linetime - not a painless experience, abut we believe any such major implementation is really hard work and you need to devote the resources. We think we have and will get a lot out of it - in terms of looking after our clients better. The message for our own people is that it's about better service, not about turning service into process.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Challenge of managing a law firm...

It's a challenge - as lawyers we like to be dealing with clients, giving our best advice, getting the deal done - but if you are also managing the firm, ultimately responsible for its success, you need to be looking also at how it's run, the management of the business, marketing - all things we were not brought up to do. There is benefit in keeping the client work, because it gives you credibility as a lawyer - especially if you have a "niche" for which you are known - but your value to the business cna be multiplied by looking beyond the file on your desk. The Law Society's Law Management section is a useful resource.