Paul Berwin's blog - lawyer, runner, triathlete and generally busy person - interests in history, politics, religion and all sorts - wide ranging and - well - random

Saturday, March 03, 2007

What makes lawyers diferent?

Do all lawyers try to do te same thing, making it impossible to differentiate them? Some may do - but as lawyers we are stuck in the middle of the vortex and maybe it's difficult so see the differences. There may be differences in personal style, skills. We can use tag lines and slogans, but they have to mean something, and we have to deliver on them. There is no point claiming we are entirely different, if we can't be. There is a point in showing we delivere service better, if we demonstrably do. Is it demonstrable? This is a constant challenge.

In the meantime running too fast is bad for your legs, sometimes. But it's fun ...
