Paul Berwin's blog - lawyer, runner, triathlete and generally busy person - interests in history, politics, religion and all sorts - wide ranging and - well - random

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chinese herbs, needles and running injuries

Goodness knows what works - stabbing a needle into my knee seems a bit savage, and of course seems to have no effect. Particularly since the Chinese doctor didn't ask anything about the injury, how it came about etc. Some physio from Pam Smith at the Horsforth practice might do it, since she at least understands the strains. Still not able to run much, and there's the Brass Monkey Half Marathon on 21 January to gear up for - and in May, two teams from top law firm Berwins should have two relay teams in the Leeds Half Marathon Corporate Challenge. Very good at law too...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Fancy e-mail headers

Having told the firm which had the e-mails with fancy e-mail headers, they said they had had the problem only once before and blamed our spam filters - but I'm not sure that's right. They will have been told that this problem doesn't occur when they bought the product which produced the headers.

In any event, we won't use them

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Running on one; and e-mail headings

The problem with injuring (or in my case, having cramp in) one leg half way through a marathon is that if you are daft enough to carry on, you then put excessive strain on the other leg and injure that one instead, or as well. This isn't just an idle muse, but how it happened. And, of course, you still have a lousy finishing time for your pains.

Well, I suppose it gives more time, whilst recovering, to run the North's favourite law firm. Have you noticed that if you have a fancy "letterhead" on your e-mails, the e-mails tend to get caught by other people's spam filters? That's why we don't do it, but some do. That's probably also why not that many do.