Paul Berwin's blog - lawyer, runner, triathlete and generally busy person - interests in history, politics, religion and all sorts - wide ranging and - well - random

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Occasionally I do some work

Presently working on an interesting IP right assignment for an arm of a major advertising conglomerate; and some worthwhile deals bubbling under.

Yesterday I idly tried to google an old university friend Keith Williams - turns out (unless I'm wrong) he's CFO for British Airways. Boy done good.

10 September is Nottingham Marathon, so another week or so of hard training then I can ease off and recover.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Computers and Law

This always seemed to me to be a fertile area, though it's been more interestiung than great business. Some excellent material at the Society for Computers and Law website and a surprisingly un-nerdy group of people. It is an area where few lawyers have any knowledge, and so software licences just get accepted without any consideration of the consequences. If you can get people to just say "it's a standard document" and click or sign, then from a software supplier's point of view you've won...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Running update...

Running in Nottingham Marathon on 10 September, so did about 18 miles in a lot of pouring rain on Saturday - since the weather has cooled I managed it ok so feeling fine for the marathon - first since 1982, and follows a half ironman triathlon in July this year (in extreme heat...)

OK, so this is the first posting to Paul Berwin's blog - kind of a lawyer, managing partner at Berwins LLP, and then also something of a runner with Harrogate Harriers and a triathlete with Leeds Bradford Triathlon Club So we'll just create the blog and see what comes of it...